CA: How Whittier mayor, City Council candidates would solve the homeless crisis

For more than a year, Whittier’s political leaders have been wrestling with how to handle the local homeless crisis, which has seen the development of three encampments.

Two of those encampments have been cleared, but the debate rages on. With a March 3 election date set, voters will get an opportunity to say how well the city is doing managing the issue and whether new faces — and ideas — are needed. …

Challenger I.L. Leon Savage, an accounting bookkeeper, would remove sex offenders from their homes to create space for the homeless.

“I would put good hard-working families in those places,” Savage said. “We would have child predators taken out of our communities. We are rewarding the wrong behavior.” Full Article

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Now the Neo-Nazis are trying to forcibly remove registrants from their homes.

“I would put good, hard-working families in those places…”

And how does he think the current residents are supporting themselves? Hard work. And I’d argue much harder work than most people considering the obstacles registrants have to overcome.

City council challenger I.L. Leon Savage’s comment is so ignorant that I really shouldn’t waste time commenting, saying he would kick people on the registry out of their homes so hard working homeless people can have a place to stay is ludicrous. I am on the registry, and the reason I have a place to stay is because I am hard working and don’t break the law. And we all know that I am scrutinized and the system would pounce on me at the slightest infraction of the law.

I have also had a bit of interaction with homeless people, mostly addicts. I am clean an sober and I try to help others so I encounter a few homeless people, and the reason they are homeless is because the addiction makes them incapable of working hard and being dependable. This goes for the many mentally afflicted. So the brilliant and talented I.L. Leon Savage would kick me out of my home (doesn’t really say where he would put me, as I’ve done no crime I can’t be incarcerated, so I am assuming I would just switch places with the homeless person), and let the homeless person-who hasn’t been able to maintain a home–move into my home and somehow suddenly have the means to maintain it–fascinating logic.

All the benevolent visionary Mr. Savage need do is actually consult some of the homeless shelters and they would quickly shatter his illusions by telling him a huge portion of the homeless population refuse to implement the slightest change in their lifestyle, that is why homeless shelters have limited success. Many would not be able to accept the responsibility of a home. The reason I have been successful after incarceration is because I accepted the abuse, oppression, humiliation and unfair treatment daily because I understood I need to do that in order to keep my freedom. But also because I am a basically good person and citizen ( I know that is hard to believe since I am one of THEM).

But we all know the truth: I.L. Leon Savage has no workable plan, he has no vision, he is uninspired, and has no answers, and we all know that when a politician is in that mire the best thing they can do is scream Sex Offender and they are sure to garner some sympathetic votes. We on the registry have been bludgeoned by this desperate measure enough to know the game.

” A federal appellate court in Boise, Idaho ruled in September 2018 that activities, such as sleeping, are basic human needs, and citing someone who does not have a home for sleeping on public property constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.”

And what about the need for privacy to help protect us and our families from shaming, vigilantism, bullying, the ability to find work and housing.
Seems like that would be a basic human need, also.

Great idea. Unknown to many, Whittier is the capital of Massage Parlors. There are (search rub maps whittier) where there are several massage parlor brothels that are no more for fronts for prostitution. There are presently 52 massage parlors in Whittier where you can buy all the sex you want. Yet, they want to get ride of sex offenders? WOW. I think Whittier needs to wake up

Solving the homeless crisis. The US has an unemployment rate of 3.6%… why are people homeless? Look up what actually homeless means and you’ll find the answer.

Orange County tactics on the homeless is simple .
While they deal with the homeless population there second agenda is to get every single Transit sex offender locked up and off the streets

What a moron…

does any one have or know the link for domestic travel, like how many days a registrant can visit? thank you.

Savage’s savage comments about registrants are possible because there is, essentially, no political cost for making such statements.

We need to make sure that there is a cost for doing so by putting them on “blast,” in emails and online comments and letters, every time they pull this shit.

If this guy is sick on this subject matter he is sick in other areas, as well, he may have very few friends. A guy like this it not worth a lot peoples time.

Leon Savage is grasping at straws, plus he needs to go back to school. If you remove registrants from there home in which are paying rent or morgage and put homeless in there which have no income you have the same amount of homeless in the city and the city will have to fork out the rent or morgage. The best thing to do is take the money there spending for trailers and ect. for homeless and put them to work, there’s alot of cleanup in every town to do. If they have money they can buy food & eventually rent not homeless now and more product they buy more jobs will be created.